
From RobotinoWiki
Revision as of 15:50, 25 February 2014 by Verbeek (talk | contribs) (=Assembly)


Robotino v3 can be equipped with 3 accumulator packs each of which contains 18 NiMH battery cells. Each cell has a capacity of 9Ah and every accumulator pack has 9Ah/21.6V which is about 200 Wh. So with 3 NiMH accumulator packs Robotinos batteries have 600Wh. The average power consumption of Robotino is at about 1.5A at 21V so about 30W. That leads to 20h of operation without the need of charging the batteries.

NiMH accumulator sets


When you order the NiMH accumulators at Festo you get at least 2 accumulator sets and 1 additional charging board. With 2 sets you install set one at position 1 and set two at position 2 (see NiMH accumulator sets for the numbering of the positions). At position 2 you also install the additional charging board.