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==Matlab controlling Robotino==
==Matlab controlling Robotino==
[[Image:Robotino_matlab_icon_64.png|left|frame]]A full set of m-Files and Simulink blocks is available for controlling all actuators of Robotino and reading all of its sensors.
[[Image:Robotino_matlab_icon_64.png|left|frame]]A full set of m-Files and Simulink blocks is available for controlling all actuators of Robotino and reading all of its sensors. Examples programs show how to use the m-Files and howto make use of the Simulink blocks. As with Robotino's native C++ interface it is possible to control many Robotinos simultaneously from a single Matlab instance.

Revision as of 12:00, 13 February 2011

Matlab controlling Robotino

Robotino matlab icon 64.png

A full set of m-Files and Simulink blocks is available for controlling all actuators of Robotino and reading all of its sensors. Examples programs show how to use the m-Files and howto make use of the Simulink blocks. As with Robotino's native C++ interface it is possible to control many Robotinos simultaneously from a single Matlab instance.


Robotino Matlab


Execute the Robotino for Matlab installer.

The installer creates the environment variable ROBOTINOMATLAB_DIR pointing to the directory you choose to install the Robotino Matlab files to.


Open Matlab.

Change to the m-files and s-files directory by typing

cd( strcat( getenv('ROBOTINOMATLAB_DIR'), '/src' ) )

at the Matlab command prompt (you have either to change your working directory to the RobotinoMatlab/src directory or include the RobotinoMatlab/src directory to Matlab's search path).

The following commands show how to drive Robotino by 100mm/s in x-direction. Robotino's IP address in this example is

The interface exported by the m-files follows almost exactly Robotino's C-interface. To understand the m-files have a look at the rec_robotino_com_c libraries online documentation.

>> comid = Com_construct
rec_robotino_com_c.dll loaded.

comid =


>> Com_setAddress( comid, '' )

ans =


>> Com_connect( comid )

ans =


>> omniDriveId = OmniDrive_construct

omniDriveId =


>> OmniDrive_setComId( omniDriveId, comid )

ans =


>> OmniDrive_setVelocity( omniDriveId, 100, 0, 0 )

ans =


>> Com_disconnect( comid )

ans =


>> OmniDrive_destroy( omniDriveId )

ans =


>> Com_destroy( comid )

ans =




See Matlab how to change your working directory to the RobotinoMatlab/src folder.

lib_robotinohardware.mdl contains the set of Simulink blocks representing Robotino's hardware components. These blocks are build on top of the RobotinoMatlab m-files.

example_RobotinoHardware.mdl shows how to use these blocks. The first input off all blocks (except the Com block) is the comid exported from the Com block. By this you are able to have multiple Com blocks within the same model, each communicating to a different Robotino. The hardware blocks correspond to the Robotino the referring Com block is connected to.

example_LineFollower.mdl shows a Simulink model to drive Robotino on a line sensed by Robotino's camera.