SmartFestoFleetCom 16.04

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Revision as of 13:37, 30 October 2013 by Lutz (talk | contribs)

TCP/IP Communication Protocol B/W Fleet Manager and SmartFestoFleetCom

Commands in both the directions has the format, CommandName CommandArgument1 CommandArgument2 ie, Space between command name and its arguments, and additional commands appended with a newline character.

FleetManager to SmartSoft
Command Usage Example Description
DeliverFromTo SourceStationID SourceBeltID DestinationStationID DestinationBeltID DeliverFromTo 1 1 2 2 Drive to Position 1, dock to Belt 1, Load, Undock, Drive to Position 2, dock to Belt 2, Unload, Undock
GotoStation StationID BeltID GotoStation 1 1 Drives to Position 1 Belt 1
DockTo BeltID DockTo 1 Docks to Belt 1
Undock Undock Undocks if already docked
LoadBox LoadBox Loads on Box if no box already loaded on the belt and transport station ready to load
UnloadBox UnloadBox Unloads the Box if box present on the belt and transport station ready to receive
Stop Stop Halt the Robotino, put the task on hold
Continue Continue Resumes the task if a task is on hold
EndTask EndTask Terminates the ongoing task and go to Home Position
TeachPosition PositionID x y z TeachPosition 1 0.54 23.5 45.0 Teach Position with ID 1, in global coordinates x(in meters):0.54 y(in meters):23.5 theta(in degrees):45
TeachCurrentPosition PositionID TeachCurrentPosition 1 Assign the current global position the ID 1
GetAllPosition GetAllPosition Reads the list of all taught positions with its ID and Name
SetNameForPosition PositionID name SetNameForPosition 1 RedParts Sets a tag RedParts for PostionID 1 if exists
GetNameForPosition PositionID GetNameForPosition 1 Reads the tag for PostionID 1 if ID and tag exists
SmartSoft to FleetManager (Cyclic every 500ms)
RobotPose x y z RobotPose 0.5 12.56 12.5 Position of robot in x=0.5(in meters),y=12.56(in meters)and angle=12.5 in degree
BatteryState voltage voltageLow BatteryState 18 1 Battery voltage is 18Volts and voltage low is true
SystemState CurrentCommand CommandArgs
CurrentCommand: NoJob, StartJob, JobDone, JobError|
SystemState NoJob Robot Idle and waiting for task
SystemState StartJob DeliverFromTo 1 1 2 2 A Job has been started to Drive to Position 1, dock to Belt 1, Load, Undock, Drive to Position 2, dock to Belt 2, Unload, Undock
SystemState JobDone DeliverFromTo 1 1 2 2 Box transported from Position 1, Belt 1, to Position 2,Belt 2
SystemState JobError DeliverFromTo PATH_BLOCKED Robot path blocked to complete the task
SystemState JobError DockTo NO_DOCK_STATION Robot path blocked to complete the task
SystemState JobError LoadBox NO_RESPONSE_FROM_STATION Robot path blocked to complete the task
SystemState JobError UnloadBox NO_BOX Robot path blocked to complete the task
Progress Progress 40 40% of the Job is complete
