CF card

From RobotinoWiki
Revision as of 19:16, 11 December 2010 by Verbeek (talk | contribs) (CF cards from Festo)


All images and tools can be found here.

Post install

When getting a new CF card with an installed Robotino OS or after writing an OS image to a CF card

  • After power on Robotino the first time it might switch off automatically. This is due to a filesystem check. Simply power on again and everything works fine.
  • From Robotinos Display select Network->WLan->Search AP. If an Allnet-AP is found (the AP in all newer Robotinos) then /etc/robotino/ALLNET_AP is written and WLan channel and SSID are shown correctly in the startup screen.


There is a thread in the forum about writing these images to CF cards.

CF cards from Festo