Factory4 Io Connector

From RobotinoWiki


Connector Description
Safety Connected to the Sick S300 OSSD1 (Pin3, grey). If low or not connected Robotino's motors are stopped.
Warning Connected to the Sick S300 UNICI/O4/WF (Pin14, pink). If low or not connected Robotino's motors are slowed down.
Reset Connected to the Sick S300 UNICI/O2/EDM (Pin6, yellow). Reset OSSDs.
Box available Signal from a sensor on Robotino indicating that a box is present on top of Robotino.
Station ready Signal from station that it is ready for transportation.
Dock complete Signal to station that the docking is completed.
DOUT3 Red – “Turns on when any error during Motion, docking, loading, unloading”, Blinking 1Hz when not localized
DOUT4 Yellow – “ Turns on when the safety field entered”
DOUT5 Green – “Turn on when Robotino Idle”, Blinking 1Hz “When any task in progress”

Sick default passwort: SICKSAFE

