Rest api

From RobotinoWiki
Revision as of 16:11, 20 February 2019 by Verbeek (talk | contribs) (Installation)


Robotino rest icon 64.png REST-API is already running at http://RobotinoIP.

Package links

The restapid is part of robotino-daemons package.



Get camera image from cam0. The response is image/jpeg.



Set forwward and rotational velocity. You have to send data periodically at least every 200ms. If no data is received for more than 200ms Robotino will stop.

  "vx": "x-vel in m/s",
  "vy" : "y-vel in m/s",
  "omega" : "rot-vel in rad/s"


Upload Robotino View program to /home/robotino/programs.

  "name" : "filename with extension",
  "size" : size of raw (unencoded) binary data,
  "data" : file data base64 encoded


  "message" : "message what happend on the server",
  "success" : boolean showing if operation was successfull