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== EA09View ==
== EA09View ==
[[Image:EA09View_RobotinoView_Output_Small.png|right|thumb| EA09View]]
[[Image:Architecture_ea09view.png‎|right|thumb| EA09 I/O Board and EA09View]]
[[Image:Architecture_ea09view.png‎|right|thumb| EA09 I/O Board and EA09View]]

Revision as of 16:14, 28 March 2011


Robotino ea09 icon 64.png Robotinos motor-control board EA09 is capable of sending sensor readings and receiving set point values in realtime at a frequency of 1kHz.

Package links

EA09 Com binary package

EA09 View

EA09 I/O Board

EA09 I/O Board

The EA09 I/O board facilitates the physical connection with Robotino's sensors and motors. The I/O board carries a NXP LPC 2378 micro-controller. The micro-controller's main loop runs at 1kHz. Within this loop the motors' PID controllers are updated.

The micro-controller receives, for instance, the set point values at a rate of about 100Hz from the PC104 via a serial link (RS232). The PID controllers obtain the motors' speed set points (from the PC104) and drive the motors such that the motors' actual velocities equal the speed set points.

EA09 MATLAB Support

EA09 I/O Board and MATLAB

MATLAB drivers for the EA09 I/O Board can be downloaded and installed. These MATLAB drivers consist of m-files which contain functions to send and receive data from the EA09 I/O Board. Simple to understand examples have also been provided to illustrate the use of the MATLAB functions.


EA09 I/O Board and EA09View

The rate of 100Hz by which the PC104 reads data from the EA09 I/O Board through the RS232 serial link is too slow to monitor the functioning of the micro-controller on the EA09 I/O Board running the PID controllers. Therefore the I/O Board is equipped with an Ethernet link which allows the micro-controller to transmit all relevant data concerning the PID controllers via UDP to an external PC. The default Ethernet network configuration of the EA09 I/O Board is as follows:

  • IP Address:
  • Port: 8809

The EA09View connects to the EA09 Board via the Ethernet link.

EA09View and Robotino® View

  • Launch EA09View and Robotino® View.
  • Make sure that the following settings are true for EA09View
  • Serial line control is checked.
  • For MOCTRL, M1CTRL and M2CTRL, Internal PI Controller is checked.
  • For M0MONITOR, M1MONITOR and M2MONITOR, Monitoring on [Type A message] is checked.

Command bridge components

Ea09 rt robotino hw.png

The electronics inside Robotino's command bridge falls into two parts.


This is a standard PC equiped with and Intel or AMD i586 processor. When driving Robotino by Robotino View, Matlab (see Matlab) or in general the OpenRobotino API the PC is what you connect with. Set values and sensor readings are exchanged at a rate of about 100Hz.

I/O Board

The Input/Output board is making the physical connection to Robotino's sensors and motors. The board carries a NXP LPC 2378 microcontroller. The MC receives set point values (of most interest here are the motors' speed set points) at a rate of about 100Hz from the PC via a serial link. The MC's main loop runs with 1kHz. In this loop the motors' PID controllers are updated. The PID controllers take the motors' speed set points (received from the PC) and try to drive the motors so that the motors' actual velocities equal the speed set points.

Realtime data aquisition

The rate of 100Hz by which the PC reads data from the I/O board through the serial link connecting both components is to low to see whats going on inside the MC sitting on the I/O board running the PID controllers. Therefor the I/O board is equipped with an Ethernet link so that the I/O board's MC is able to transmit all relevant data concerning the PID controllers vai UDP to an external PC. The default network configuration of the I/O board is

  • IP address:
  • Port: 8809

The EA09 Com library is for communicating with the MC via Ethernet. EA09 View is a graphical user interface using the EA09 Com library to read data directly from the MC and display it.

EA09 View

Example 1 (Robotino View and EA09 View)

Example 2 (Simulink and EA09 matlab)