Speech Recognition

From RobotinoWiki
Revision as of 17:18, 8 February 2011 by Verbeek (talk | contribs) (Speech Recognition on Robotino)

Speech Recognition on Robotino

Robotino can now comprehend basic human speech commands. Robotino uses the open source speech recognition engine called Julius.

Setting up Speech Recognition

Setting up speech recognition is done in two parts. The first part involves training of the speech data and creation of the acoustic model and the second involves the actual execution of the speech recognition engine with the created acoustic model.

Creating an Acoustic Model

The HTK toolkit (version 3.4) shall be used to create an acoustic model. Please follow the following steps.

Step 1

You will need to register with HTK before you can download it. Please do so.

Step 2

Download the sources for HTK toolkit 3.4 from here.

Step 3

  1. Move to your home directory
     cd ~ 
  2. Create a directory called bin
     mkdir bin