Robotino myRIO Toolkit

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Revision as of 15:21, 19 January 2016 by Grzywok (talk | contribs)


This Page deals with the different VI of the Block Diagram Palette, Front Panel Palette and some other important VI like the PI-Control of the Omnidrive. The last section is about getting you started with your own Project with the Toolkit.

Block Diagram VI

The Block Diagram Palette

The Block Diagram consist of four of VI. Three for the OmniDrive control and one for the Distance IR-Sensor.


Initializes and starts the Velocity PI-Control of the 3 DC-Motors of the Robotino with an asynchronous call. Additionally if the “Bumper on” input is “TRUE” the is started which stops all 3 motor-controls upon a collision and thus any further movement.

Set the current velocity of the Robotino in X-/Y-Directions


Front Panel VI

Other VI

Creating your own VI with the Toolkit