Robotino3 IO CAN

From RobotinoWiki

Robotino3 can nodes.png

Info message


Byte Description
0-1 Global time in seconds (LSB first).
2-3 Battery Voltage in milli Volts (LSB first).
4 Charging current in Ampere = value/100.
5 Temperature in °C of battery 1.
6 Temperature in °C of battery 2.
7 Charger state.

Error message


Byte Description
0-1 Global time in seconds (LSB first).
2 Error type. "Fatal system error" or "Charger error"
3 In case of "Fatal system error" this is the system error type. Otherwise it is the charger error type.
4-5 Error argument 0 (LSB first).
6-7 Error argument 0 (LSB first).

Charger error arguments

Charger error type Meaning ARG0 ARG1
TIMEOUT_ERROR timeout occured charger state that timed out
MISSING_C10_ERROR In stage2 volatage dropped below 28.5V battery voltage in mV
OVERVOLTAGE_ERROR Battery voltage to high battery voltage in mV
NTC_MISMATCH_ERROR only one NTC is connected BAT1 temperatur reading raw ADC value BAT2 temperatur reading raw ADC value
BAT1_OVERTEMP_ERROR BAT1 to hot BAT1 temperatur in °C BAT2 temperatur in °C
BAT2_OVERTEMP_ERROR BAT2 to hot BAT1 temperatur in °C BAT2 temperatur in °C
UNDERVOLTAGE_ERROR Battery voltage to low battery voltage in mV

Version message


Byte Description
0 Major version
1 Minor version
2 Patch version

GetVersion message


Reset message


Byte Description
0 0xAA
1 0x55