From RobotinoWiki
Revision as of 08:28, 29 June 2016 by Verbeek (talk | contribs) (Hardware)


Robotino ros icon 64.png The Robot Operating System ROS hosted and maintained by Willow Garage is a free meta operating system for mobile robots. This page describes the adaption of Robotino C++ API2 to ROS.

Package links

robotino - Contains the essential packages for communicating with Robotino.

robotino_grappler - If you own a Grappler then this stack provides packages to manipulate it with ROS.

robotino_kinect - If you own a Kinect sensor then this stack provides packages to explore the possibilities of Robotino and Kinect in ROS.



You will need a Linux (preferable Ubuntu) PC in order to run ROS. As we need much computational power for SLAM and especially path planning Robotinos PC104 is overstrained. So we use a laptop or desktop PC communicating to Robotino via wireless.

Install ROS. How to do this read the ROS installation instructions.

Install API2 packages on Robotino.

Get the Robotino ROS drivers:

svn co robotino-ros-pkg

Hydro (Catkin)

svn co robotino-ros-pkg NOTE: In the hydro version Kinect support from within robotino_node has be removed. For Kinect usage please use openni packages externally.

Put the robotino-ros-pkg into the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. If everything is setup correctly you can run

For Fuerte: rosmake robotino

For Hydro (after creating the appropriate workspace and checking out the code): catkin_make


What you really need to use ROS in a meaningful way is a laser rangefinder for Robotino.


RWTH Aachen: Lab Course Model-Based Robotics Software Development Implementation Notes