Logistics League Rulebook

From RobotinoWiki
Revision as of 19:23, 5 March 2012 by Cdeppe (talk | contribs) (Added Preamble)


LL logowiki64.png The Logistics League Sponsored by Festo is a part of the RoboCup championship. In this industrially inspired league for university students, Robotino has to fulfill AGV duties.

Document Information

Version: 1.801.2012 Revision: 80 Submitted: 12.02.2012



This revised set of rules provides a precise definition of the competition environment. The rulebook ensures the same and fair circumstances for all participants, it however is not meant to dictate or suggest the way of approach to fulfill the task. Furthermore it concentrates on defining all necessary variables and necessities and is not meant to visualize the competition itself. For general information about the idea of this competition, please refer to the information booklet supplied at the Festo Didactic homepage. Technical information about the Robotino® platform and details to components used in the construction of the competition area are combined in the engineering reference and try the powerful RoboCup Simulator free of charge, which are both supplied at the link above, too.

After a thriving season 2011 and the official introduction of this league into the RoboCup portfolio, we look forward to new scale of competition that will emerge from initiatives around the globe. In 2012 we will crown the first Logistics League World Champion. In order to enable a competition at eye level among the teams, the focus of this years’ iteration is to polish the 2011 Rulebook and to shift some of the competition demands in order to achieve a continued improvement of competition revenue. This being said, some of the future developments have been tabled for this year to enable discussions prior to or at the events lead by the teams themselves. It will remain our goal to push for a competition suiting the industrial process.

Finally, no rulebook is perfect. Feel obliged to inform us about issues you like to discuss or gaps that might have an impact on the competition, so we can keep the necessity for rule discussions at the RoboCup event to a minimum. We are open for all kinds of suggestions; the set of rules will be fixed at 01/01/2012 and revised in April 2012 once the German Open is over. We also encourage all interested teams to apply as a member of the Organization Committee (OC) for both the German Open and the RoboCup 2012 in Mexico.

e-mail: robocup@festo.com