Factory4 Io Connector

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Revision as of 13:24, 2 May 2014 by Verbeek (talk | contribs)
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Connector Description
Safety Connected to the Sick S300 OSSD1 (Pin3, grey). If low or not connected Robotino's motors are stopped.
Warning Connected to the Sick S300 UNICI/O4/WF (Pin14, pink). If low or not connected Robotino's motors are slowed down.
Reset Connected to the Sick S300 UNICI/O2/EDM (Pin6, yellow). Reset OSSDs.
Box available Signal from a sensor on Robotino indicating that a box is present on top of Robotino.
Station ready Signal from station that it is ready for transportation.
Dock complete Signal to station that the docking is completed.
DOUT3 Red – “Turns on when any error during Motion, docking, loading, unloading”, Blinking 1Hz when not localized
DOUT4 Yellow – “ Turns on when the safety field entered”
DOUT5 Green – “Turn on when Robotino Idle”, Blinking 1Hz “When any task in progress”

Sick default passwort: SICKSAFE

